In the Web of Life

“The lamps are different, but the light is the same. “ –Rumi

Category Archives: Revolution

Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change

Would any sane PERSON think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing naked around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal “solutions”?…

The good news is that there are other options. We can follow the examples of brave activists who lived through the difficult times I mentioned — Nazi Germany, Tsarist Russia, antebellum United States — who did far more than manifest a form of moral purity; they actively opposed the injustices that surrounded them. We can follow the example of those who remembered that the role of an activist is not to navigate systems of oppressive power with as much integrity as possible, but rather to confront and take down those systems.

Derrick Jensen
Forget Shorter Showers: Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change

How To Stop An Oil And Gas Pipeline: The Unist’ot’en Camp Resistance

Our people have had enough. We’re not going to just stand here and take the bullying and take it without a fight. We had enough of these spoiled brats stealing off our lands and not accepting no for an answer. We’re going to be the stern parent and say “no, you are not coming in.”
Freda Huson, Unist’ot’en spokesperson

9:42 min

The Seventh Generation Rises!

We need everybody. Not one person can do it alone. I can’t do it alone. The elders can’t do it alone. They need young people to get on board. And we need our voices to come together as one. ~ Inez Jasper

24:26 Rebel Music: Native America