In the Web of Life

“The lamps are different, but the light is the same. “ –Rumi

Category Archives: Toxins

Dr. Jane Goodall exposes GMO lies and corruption

Dame Jane Goodall has condemned politicians for pushing 'Frankenstein Food'

‘This very real difference between GM plants and their conventional counterparts is one of the basic truths that biotech proponents have endeavoured to obscure. As part of the process, they portrayed the various concerns as merely the ignorant opinions of misinformed individuals – and derided them as not only unscientific, but anti-science…

‘They then set to work to convince the public and government officials, through the dissemination of false information, that there was an overwhelming expert consensus, based on solid evidence, that the new foods were safe. Yet this, as Druker points out, was clearly not true…

‘Druker describes how amazingly successful the biotech lobby has been – and the extent to which the general public and government decision makers have been hoodwinked by the clever and methodical twisting of the facts and the propagation of many myths. Moreover, it appears that a number of respected scientific institutions, as well as many eminent scientists, were complicit in this relentless spreading of disinformation…
More: Senior academic condemns ‘deluded’ supporters of GM food as being ‘anti-science’ and ignoring evidence of dangers: Dr Jane Goodall argues supporters of GM food ignored evidence of harm.

Why MSG is so Dangerous

Look for these ingredients that always contain MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
Autolyzed Yeast
Calcium Caseinate
Glutamic Acid
Hydrolyzed Protein
Monopotassium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate
Sodium Caseinate
Textured Protein
Yeast Extract
Yeast Food
Yeast Nutrient

One of the best overviews of the very real dangers of MSG comes from Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and author of “Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.” In it he explains that MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain damage to varying degrees — and potentially even triggering or worsening learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease and more.
~ Dr Mercola; MSG: Is This Silent Killer Lurking in Your Kitchen Cabinets

How Toxins Are Changing Childhood

The number of (largely untested) chemicals in our environment is on the rise, as are the rates of autism, cancer, and other serious health problems affecting kids. KIWI investigates
 this “silent pandemic”—and reveals how parents can fight back.

…In 2014, Dr. Landrigan and Phillippe Grandjean, M.D., an adjunct professor of environmental health at the Harvard School of Public Health, published a paper in the journal The Lancet calling the effects on children’s cognitive development a “silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity.”

…“You need to remember that there are things you can do to limit exposure and that healthy factors can counterbalance the harm of chemicals—most important, a loving, supportive family environment and a nutritious diet.” He and other experts say taking these steps can make a difference:


Source/more details

How Cleansing Cures Cancer: the Evita Ramparte Story

Evita narrates this video about how she transformed her life when she received an ovarian cancer diagnosis. I think her story can help others who may not (yet) have a cancer diagnosis, but are struggling with obesity and poor health and stress.
9:45 min

Autism risk and exposure to agricultural pesticides in the CHARGE Study

US children born in 1992 had a 1 in 150 chance of being autistic. That has increased in 2002 to 1 in 68 risk. I believe now its 1 in 50. Children born in 2025 will have a 50% chance being born autistic according to senior researcher, Stephanie Seneff. Studies abound. Here’s one researcher discussing the Charge Study.
4:25 min video

Monsanto’s glyphosate (Roundup) causing an epidemic of autism, Alzheimer’s, and gut diseases.

“The rate at which diseases like autism (along with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and others) are growing would be unheard of just 50 years ago. You can’t simply discount this phenomenon as the result of ‘better screening and diagnosis.’ In the past 5 years alone, autism rates have increased from 1/150 to 1/50. This is an environmental epidemic; it isn’t genetic…

Aluminum and glyphosate specifically interrupt the workings of the pineal gland (melatonin sulfate), leading to high rates of autism…

n fact, industrial claims don’t match the science on RoundUp. It is often used because it is considered one of the ‘safest’ of all herbicides. This claim is touted by Monsanto and other chemical pushers, but it turns out that RoundUp is one of the least safe herbicides on the market.” Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Researh Scientist at MIT


Using glyphosate herbicide can wipe out local earthworm populations

How Cooking Can Change Your Life – Michael Pollan

When you are McDonalds you like this red box with a bouquet of really long chips [french fries]. Looks really good. So they insist that all their potatoes be Russet-Burbanks and they further insist that they have no blemishes at all. There is a very common defect of Russet-Burbank potatoes called net necrosis. You’ve seen them with those little brown lines or spots that come through them. Well, McDonalds won’t buy them if your potatoes have that. The only way to eliminate that is to eliminate an aphid and the only way to do that is with a pesticide called Monitor that is so toxic that the famers that grow these potatoes in Idaho won’t venture outside to their fields for 5 days after they spray. Then when they harvest these potatoes they have to put them in these atmospheric controlled sheds the size of a football stadium because they are not edible for 6 weeks. They have to off-gas all the chemicals in them. So you see, the desire for a certain kind of chip leads to a certain kind of agriculture.

video 20:17

Ban Neonics

Glyphosate Found in Feeding Tube Liquid

“Eeh gads, glyphosate in Pedisure is frightening. As a cardiologist concerned about herbicides, we now know that RoundUp effects heart tissue and facilitates serious heart rhythm problems ( To think we are exposing infants to this same toxin cannot be tolerated”. -Joel Kahn MD

“I find it astonishing that babies and children with cancer are being provided with nutrients through a feeding tube that are contaminated with glyphosate. It ought to be obvious to medical professionals that it is essential to assure that as few toxic chemicals as possible are present in enteral nutrition provided to seriously ill children. This is a direct delivery system for glyphosate to the blood and to the tissues. It should be undeniable that certified organic sources are the only viable option in such a situation.”- Stephanie Seneff MIT scientist and co author of the Glyphosate Papers

“A description of how glyphosate impacts the body from MIT PhD. scientist Stephanie Seneff:

1) Glyphosate is an antimicrobial agent (antibiotic) and it perferentially kills the good bacteria, which causes an overgrowth of pathogens in the gut. This leads to leaky gut syndrome and inflammatory issues.

2) Glyphosate chelates rare minerals like manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, iron, sulfur, selenium, etc., and this disrupts the management of these very important nutrients throughout the body. The minerals end up piling up in the wrong places, causing both toxicity and deficiency at the same time.

3) Glyphosate disrupts cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver, which are important for many things, two of which are activating vitamin D and detoxifying multiple toxic chemicals and drugs. Acetaminophen (tylenol), for example, becomes toxic when these enzymes aren’t working.

4) Glyphosate works synergistically with the aluminum, mercury, and glutamate in vaccines to cause much greater harm than would be the case if there were no glyphosate present in the blood when the vaccine was administered.

5) Glyphosate interferes with the shikimate pathway, which is used by both microbes and plants to produce the essential aromatic amino acids. Our own cells don’t have this pathway, and they depend upon food sources and synthesis by gut microbes to supply these nutrients. They are precursors to many biologically important molecules such as the neurotransmitters serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, melanin, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc.

In my view, the core pathology in autism is insufficient sulfate in the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This causes a severe impairment in neurogenesis and an inability to “clear the trash.” It’s indirectly caused by sulfur deficiency, melatonin deficiency, impaired sulfate synthesis, impaired sulfate transport, and excess flushing of sulfate through the kidneys – all induced by glyphosate. There’s also neuroexcitotoxicity from glutamate and glyphosate and aluminum working synergistically.
Stephanie Seneff, Co-Author Glyphosate papers
Senior Research Scientist
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory”
Read more